Jakarta: Pandemic Management Framework Development for BRT Operator TransJakarta
cOlab was part of a global multidisciplinary team 2021/2022 that developed a Crisis/Pandemic Management Framework and an associated Communications Strategy for TransJakarta – the Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Service Network for the city of Jakarta, Indonesia. TransJakarta has the world’s longest BRT network - 252.1 kilometres in length.
TransJakarta needed a framework and strategy to deal with COVID-19 and similar public health and emergency situations. The aim of the Framework is to help TransJakarta enter a new normal for public transport operations 2022 onwards which can serve as a model to replicate in other Indonesian cities and by other public transport operators. In the short to medium term, the Framework will help TransJakarta prepare for a prolonged health crisis and uncertainties arising from unanticipated COVID flare-ups and new virus variants.
The work was funded by The Indonesia Australia Partnership for Infrastructure (KIAT) - a partnership between the Governments of Indonesia and Australia to support sustainable and inclusive economic growth through improved access to infrastructure. KIAT works with government in Indonesia at national and sub-national levels providing short and long-term technical assistance and advisory services to improve infrastructure policy, planning and delivery.